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Legend (Construction/14413_5600W)

Redlines Points (0)
Redlines Lines (1)
Redlines Polygons (2)
14413 Design Lines (3)
DES: Breaklines DES: Breaklines
DES: Curb and Gutter DES: Curb and Gutter
DES: Edge of Paved Road DES: Edge of Paved Road
DES: Index Contours DES: Index Contours
DES: Intermediate Contours DES: Intermediate Contours
DES: Pedestrian Ramp DES: Pedestrian Ramp
DES: Sidewalks DES: Sidewalks
EXTP: Highway Signs EXTP: Highway Signs
HYDR: Catch Basin HYDR: Catch Basin
HYDR: Concrete Outlet Protection HYDR: Concrete Outlet Protection
HYDR: Ditches HYDR: Ditches
HYDR: End Section HYDR: End Section
HYDR: Existing Culverts HYDR: Existing Culverts
HYDR: Existing Headwall HYDR: Existing Headwall
HYDR: Existing Hydraulic Structures HYDR: Existing Hydraulic Structures
HYDR: Flow Arrow HYDR: Flow Arrow
HYDR: Flow Line HYDR: Flow Line
HYDR: Forebay HYDR: Forebay
HYDR: Headwall HYDR: Headwall
HYDR: Hydraulic Minor Struct HYDR: Hydraulic Minor Struct
HYDR: Lee Drain Grading Contours HYDR: Lee Drain Grading Contours
HYDR: Manhole HYDR: Manhole
HYDR: Outlet Structure HYDR: Outlet Structure
HYDR: Pipes HYDR: Pipes
HYDR: Pond Contours HYDR: Pond Contours
HYDR: Reconstruct Catch Basin HYDR: Reconstruct Catch Basin
HYDR: Reconstruct Manhole HYDR: Reconstruct Manhole
HYDR: Reline Pipe HYDR: Reline Pipe
HYDR: Relocate Water Quality Manhole HYDR: Relocate Water Quality Manhole
HYDR: Remove Catch Basin HYDR: Remove Catch Basin
HYDR: Remove Headwall HYDR: Remove Headwall
HYDR: Remove Manhole HYDR: Remove Manhole
HYDR: Remove Pipe HYDR: Remove Pipe
HYDR: Riprap HYDR: Riprap
Imp Imp
Land: Broadcast Seed Land: Broadcast Seed
Land: Broadcast Seed - WETLAND SEED MIX Land: Broadcast Seed - WETLAND SEED MIX
Land: Drill Seeding Land: Drill Seeding
Land: Drill Seeding - WETLAND SEED MIX Land: Drill Seeding - WETLAND SEED MIX
Land: Landscape Stone Land: Landscape Stone
Land: Restore Landscaping Land: Restore Landscaping
Land: Spread Topsoil Land: Spread Topsoil
NOPLOT: Design Notes NOPLOT: Design Notes
HYDR: Remove Pipe HYDR: Remove Pipe
DES: Curb and Gutter DES: Curb and Gutter
HYDR: Riprap HYDR: Riprap
DES: Edge of Paved Road DES: Edge of Paved Road
ROAD: Fence ROAD: Fence
RMV: Guardrail RMV: Guardrail
RMV: Light Pole RMV: Light Pole
RMV: Sidewalk RMV: Sidewalk
RMV: Striping RMV: Striping
Imp Imp
ROAD Ped Ramp ROAD Ped Ramp
HYDR: Reline Pipe HYDR: Reline Pipe
DES: Breaklines DES: Breaklines
ROAD: Cut Toe ROAD: Cut Toe
ROAD: Driveway ROAD: Driveway
DES: Index Contours DES: Index Contours
DES: Intermediate Contours DES: Intermediate Contours
HYDR: Relocate Water Quality Manhole HYDR: Relocate Water Quality Manhole
ROAD: Fence ROAD: Fence
DES: Sidewalks DES: Sidewalks
ROAD: Gates ROAD: Gates
HYDR: Remove Catch Basin HYDR: Remove Catch Basin
ROAD: PaveCut ROAD: PaveCut
HYDR: Catch Basin HYDR: Catch Basin
HYDR: Remove Headwall HYDR: Remove Headwall
HYDR: Concrete Outlet Protection HYDR: Concrete Outlet Protection
SHT: General Notes SHT: General Notes
Land: Broadcast Seed - WETLAND SEED MIX Land: Broadcast Seed - WETLAND SEED MIX
Land: Landscape Stone Land: Landscape Stone
Land: Drill Seeding - WETLAND SEED MIX Land: Drill Seeding - WETLAND SEED MIX
HYDR: Existing Headwall HYDR: Existing Headwall
HYDR: Existing Hydraulic Structures HYDR: Existing Hydraulic Structures
HYDR: Flow Arrow HYDR: Flow Arrow
Land: Restore Landscaping Land: Restore Landscaping
HYDR: Headwall HYDR: Headwall
HYDR: Hydraulic Minor Struct HYDR: Hydraulic Minor Struct
HYDR: Manhole HYDR: Manhole
HYDR: Outlet Structure HYDR: Outlet Structure
Land: Spread Topsoil Land: Spread Topsoil
HYDR: Pipes HYDR: Pipes
HYDR: Remove Manhole HYDR: Remove Manhole